Oregon Shoulder Institute Patients Experience Shortest Length of Stay in Western U.S.
Eighty-eight percent of shoulder replacement surgery patients go home the same dayRecent Medicare (2019 and 2020) data shows that the Oregon Shoulder Institute patients have the shortest length of stay following shoulder replacement surgery than patients of any other provider in the entire Western* United States. Their same day discharge rate after a shoulder replacement surgery is currently at eighty-eight percent.There are several reasons for this. First, higher volume improves outcomes and the advanced specialists at OSI are highly trained and skilled at shoulder replacement. Second, we use a multimodal approach to managing pain after replacements. Lastly, we make sure our patients are well-prepared to go home with lots of up-front information.The typical outpatient surgery center is set-up for an easy check-in and check-out allowing for a shorter stay. Interestingly, there is evidence to suggest that outpatient surgery is safer than an overnight stay for shoulder replacement. It is a high-quality, cost-effective, and safe approach that we use in nearly 90% of our patients. Here are some of the benefits of having same day surgery:
- Recovery in the comfort of your own home: Not having to spend the night in the hospital and being able to recover in the familiar setting of your own home makes the experience less stressful for most patients than a hospital stay.
- Use of state-of-the-art surgical techniques: Same day surgery is made possible due to advances in anesthesia and less invasive surgery which allow for better pain control and surgical outcomes.
- Lowered costs: Depending on insurance type, the procedure is performed at a surgery center. Many people don’t realize that the charges at a hospital are typically 3x higher than in an outpatient surgery center even for the same procedure. This could have a significant impact on your out-of-pocket costs.
- Reduced risk of infection: Patients have a reduced risk of getting a hospital acquired infection due to the shorter stay.
- Quicker return to routine activities: When recovering at home, patients tend to actively participate in their own recovery which is especially important for restoration of shoulder range of motion and decreased shoulder pain and stiffness.
These factors contribute to shorter stays and improved patient satisfaction. If you have a shoulder injury that does not seem to be improving with conservative treatment and you would rather not spend too much time in a hospital, consult the shoulder specialists at Oregon Shoulder Institute to find out if you might be a candidate for same day surgery. Call us at (541) 608-2595.*Providers in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming with more than 50 cases per year.Both Drs. Denard and Phillips have advanced shoulder training and perform most shoulder procedures in a minimally invasive fashion, including all types of rotator cuff repairs and in-stability repair. These techniques allow them to repair tears that some consider “irreparable.” Providing every patient with advanced medicine and compassionate care every time.In 2021, The National Library of Medicine’s Expertscape ranked Patrick Denard, MD, number two for rotator cuff repair and number seventeen in shoulder replacements worldwide. He has also been voted one of the top 20 shoulder surgeons in North America and is the most widely published shoulder specialist in Oregon.
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