Some amount of anxiety is experienced by almost everyone scheduled to undergo surgery. This may be a good thing as it could motivate you to prepare well for the surgery. However, too much of fear and anxiety can be counterproductive. To help you remain calm and well prepared, here are 5 things your surgeon wants you to know before surgery:
- It’s okay to ask questions. The more you learn about the surgical procedure and why it is the best option for your condition, the less anxious you are likely to be. Even asking questions about your doctor’s credentials and experience will provide reassurance that your care is in capable hands.
- Following preoperative instructions are very important. You will be given specific information about preparing for surgery. Our instructions include guidance on how to prepare for surgery and begin several weeks in advance. Reviewing this information in advance and being prepared with improve the chance of success of your surgery.
- Complications occur, but are low. To ensure informed consent, you will be informed of possible complications. Rest assured, the chances of complications are very small and any complications that do occur will be dealt with in an expedited manner. (Of note, we track our rate of complications and have an infection rate below the national average for shoulder surgeries)
- Pain is a temporary part of your recovery journey. Following surgery, you will have some amount of pain. This may be managed with pain pills and anti-inflammatory medication. A multi-modal approach can be used to reduce the need for narcotics (20% of our cuff repairs and 30% of our shoulder replacements do not take narcotics), but some pain is normal. Remember, it is temporary. You will get through this!
- Don’t force the pace of your recovery. 5.Moving the shoulder too early after surgery can cause a re-injury. Dr. Denard specializes in advanced shoulder arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery which enables fast recovery. But healing is a matter of biology. Therefore, following your customized rehabilitation plan carefully will help ensure the desired outcome.
Dr. Patrick Denard has been voted one of the top 20 Shoulder Surgeons in North America and is the most widely published shoulder specialist in Oregon. Dr. Denard is committed to providing the highest level of Orthopedic care to his patients. Dr. Denard has advanced arthroscopy training and is able to perform the vast majority of shoulder procedures in a minimally invasive fashion, including all types of rotator cuff repairs and instability repair. These techniques allow him to repair tears that some consider “irreparable.” Providing every patient with advanced medicine and compassionate care each and every time.
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